Preventing Selective Seam Corrosion in Pipelines with DragX

Selective seam corrosion poses a significant threat to the integrity of pipelines, especially those containing longitudinal welds. Over time, the different microstructures present in welded seams become more susceptible to corrosion than the surrounding metal, leading to potential leaks or ruptures. To combat this, advanced protective solutions like DragX, a nanocomposite surface treatment, offer an innovative and cost-effective way to protect pipelines from this specific type of corrosion.

Understanding Selective Seam Corrosion in Pipelines

Most pipelines are constructed using submerged-arc welding or upset-butt welding, creating longitudinal seams. The microstructure of the weld and the heat-affected zone around it differs from the rest of the pipe, making it more vulnerable to corrosion. This corrosion may start at the seam and spread, causing isolated pits or thinning the entire pipe wall. In extreme cases, selective seam corrosion can weaken these areas to the point where ruptures occur, especially in older pipes like pre-1971 manufactured low-frequency electric weld resistance (ERW) pipes.

While seamless pipes may avoid this issue, many pipelines in use today still rely on welded seams. So, how can we better protect these welded joints from corrosion? That’s where DragX comes in.

The Solution: DragX as a Protective Coating

DragX is a cutting-edge nanocomposite surface treatment designed to enhance pipeline performance and durability. By applying DragX to the vulnerable seams of pipelines, operators can protect these areas from corrosive environments, extending the life of their infrastructure and preventing costly repairs or downtime.

How DragX Protects Pipeline Seams:

  1. Barrier Protection: DragX forms a robust, omniphobic barrier over the seam, repelling oil and water-based contaminants. This keeps the seam-free from the acidic or alkaline conditions that encourage selective seam corrosion.
  2. Corrosion Inhibition: The advanced nanocomposite formulation in DragX actively resists the electrochemical reactions that lead to corrosion, especially in the heat-affected zones of the weld seam. It prevents the initiation and spread of pits or cracks along the welds.
  3. Enhanced Durability: With DragX, pipelines gain a low-friction surface, reducing wear and tear from fluid flow and debris. This further extends the lifespan of the pipeline, particularly in vulnerable welded areas.

The Benefits of DragX for Preventing Seam Corrosion

  1. Cost Savings: By preventing corrosion before it starts, DragX helps operators avoid the high costs of pipeline repairs, replacements, and downtime. This is particularly important for older pipelines where seam corrosion is more likely to occur.
  2. Improved Safety: Preventing seam corrosion reduces the risk of leaks or ruptures, which can lead to environmental hazards and costly incidents. DragX provides a proactive solution that ensures the structural integrity of pipelines.
  3. Extended Pipeline Lifespan: With its protective properties, DragX increases the overall lifespan of the pipeline, especially at the seam areas, ensuring continued safe and efficient operation.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: DragX is a water-based, non-toxic coating, making it safe to use in all environments without posing any environmental hazards.

Proactively Protecting Pipelines with DragX

Selective seam corrosion is critical for pipelines, but it doesn’t have to result in costly failures. By applying DragX, pipeline operators can protect their infrastructure from corrosion, ensuring better performance and longevity. Investing in advanced solutions like DragX helps prevent the seam-related failures seen in older pipelines and keeps operations running smoothly, safely, and efficiently.

For pipeline operators facing the challenges of seam corrosion, DragX offers a comprehensive, modern solution that will reduce the risks of corrosion and improve overall operational efficiency and safety. Learn more about DragX from experts.